At Bem Brasil we are always looking for friendly and enthusiastic people to join our growing team. If you are interested in working with us please fill in this form and attach a CV.
Upload your CV
Position applied for*
—Please choose an option—Passador (Meat Waiter)Waiter/WaitressBartenderFloor SupervisorBar SupervisorKitchen PorterGeneral ManagerDeputy or Assistant ManagerHead ChefSous Chef
—Please choose an option—LiverpoolNorthern QuarterDeansgateAltrinchamAny Manchester
First Name*
Home Telephone*
Email Address*
House Name/Number*
Street Name*
Tell us about where you have worked before, starting with your most recent job
Company Name*
Telephone Number*
Date started*:
Date finished*:
Second most recent job
Company Name
Telephone Number
Date started:
Date finished:
Tell us about your most recent education
Any further comments? Please talk about any skills, experience or qualities that support your application
Please tell us about any regular restrictions on your time, and any holidays you have booked over the next 6 months.
Please give the names of two employers (one current if possible) and indicate whether we may approach them for references either now or after interview
First reference
When can we approach them?*
Before InterviewAfter Interview
Second reference
When can we approach them?
I understand that the company reserves the right to withdraw the offer of employment or to terminate employment already commenced if the information given by me is inaccurate or misleading in any way.
I agree with the above statement*
Bem Brasil is an Equal Opportunities employer and takes positive steps to ensure that all persons are selected for jobs based solely on their suitability.
As recommended in the Code of Practice of the Commission for Racial Equality, we monitor the ethnic origin of all job applicants to ensure our Equal Opportunity Policy is met.
To do this effectively, we ask that you complete the section below. All information is treated confidentially and will not be used for any other purpose.
I would describe my ethnic origin as (please check)
AfricanEU (incl. UK)AsianOther EuropeanCaribbean
Other (Please specify)
EU Passport Holder?*
—Please choose an option—YesNo
If not EU Passport Holder
—Please choose an option—I am on a Student VisaWorking on a Visa for another UK sponsorI am not currently in the UK and would need a Visa to workOther (Please specify)
Nationality (as per passport)
Date of birth:
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence?
Yes (please specify)No
Have you any reason to believe that any prosecutions against you may be pending
Pending prosecution details
Have you had or do you suffer from any of the following? (please check all that apply)
Epilepsy/fits/blackoutsBack injuries/disc trouble/herniaEar dischargeAny other contagious diseaseDiabetesVaricose veinsDermatitis/other recurrent skin diseaseDefective hearingTyphoid or food poisoningHeart troubleIs your vision normal in both eyes (with glasses, if worn)?Are you registered as disabled?Do you consider yourself to be disabled?
I agree that all information given is correct*